A Broke-Down World

We live in a broke-down world, a peeling planet, a positive prison. There is no escape except through acceptance. What a contradictory thing to ask of us!

How did I get here and when do I leave? Neither, it seems, has anything to do with me. Talk about puzzlement….

I am an introverted spiritual writer and I find myself in silence more and more. The noise of this world pushes me into the deep space of my own wordlessness.

In silence there is nothing to do but be.

In being I find no answers, but there are no questions, either.

I am not an admirer of the natural world, but of the inner one. I am fascinated with spiritual concepts, but they have fallen away, leaving me nothing to cling to.

Hours pass, days pass, weeks pass, etc. I remain puzzled and curious about this life I live. It clearly is beyond my control. I tap out these essays because I have nothing else to do.

You read them and move on and I write more. Everything is endless and causeless.

What of love?

Somehow the silence takes care of that, too.

At night I have nightmares and am glad to be awake in the morning. Yet the day has a nightmarish quality as well. Because human happiness is an illusion. It doesn’t last.

I was happy once. Now I am peaceful. I am not sure how to explain the difference, but some of you are nodding because you know.

Vicki Woodyard

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