l. You are here (introversion.)
2. Therefore, you don’t like being there. (extroverted.)
3. You love peace and quiet, downtime, seclusion and self-study.
4. People drain you.
5. Seclusion restores you.
That is the nutshell version, but it is enough, for you will have these insights thousands of time and feel guilty about them.
What if your guilt stopped and you said proudly, “God made me an introvert. He must have known what He was doing.”
Wouldn’t that be a profound relief? You could stop forcing yourself into the world of extroversion. And get this: No one would miss you!
Introversion is where you learn the deepest truth of the universe. You are okay as you are and there is no need to change.
The extroverts can take care of themselves quite nicely.
Class is over. Introverts hate classes anyway 😉
Vicki Woodyard
Love this, Vicki. Thank God, I’ve finally stopped feeling guilty about being an introvert and am actually saying a big NO to anything I don’t want to do. Now, for the simple pleasures like morning birdsong, sunrises, and cat cuddles. Ahhhh.