A Certain Degree of Loneliness

Spiritual students are beset with problems. They not only have the usual worldly ones, but they have also taken on problems that arise when one is becoming more and more conscious.

This is why one becomes less interested in the world. It cannot be otherwise. As the Work saying goes, “Take what you want and pay for it.” I have chosen to leave the world and that means a certain degree of loneliness. That is the payment. The reward is built into the choice, however. As Vernon Howard said, “You will always get your spiritual gold.”

I study the words of Leonard Cohen and he was on the upward path always, despite the fact that he suffered from depression. He spoke the truth; that is why he remains beloved even after his demise. He sneaked truth into his music so we could all benefit from it.

If you live long enough, you realize that life is just one damned thing after another, as one wag said. You have to do your duty, but you find that you have time to devote to silence as well. For one thing, friends have fallen away and your life is increasingly yours. Sad to say, this weighs heavily on us, too. Let’s face it, humanity is in dire straits.

The world wants your facade. Give it to them graciously and know that you have better things to do than participate in its craziness. Give up thinking that anyone can change the world for the better. After that, quit trying to change yourself for the better. That leaves oodles of time to consider the nature of things.

I am getting my life down to an art. Emptiness and silence are the solution for me. Of course, the world will tell me to devote myself to humanitarian tasks. Maybe this is my part—just speaking my truth. Otherwise, I would be just another brick in the facade that is continually being erected to keep God out.

Vicki Woodyard

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