I try hard not to idealize the path because it is bloody hard. Birth and death are givens. Celebrations and rites are created. And in between is where it is tricky. Lately I find myself in states of anxiety. There is always something to worry about. Yeah, Jesus told us not to go there, but He Himself resisted the cross. Let’s not take anything literally. Everything is symbolic.
I said I could offer up answers but no one can. Then what is it that we need more than answers? Oh, come on—you know what it is. It is self-love. We think we need the love of God or the love of others but that is not the case. We already have the love of God and we cannot exist on the love of others. Take a minute to let that sink in.
Some people believe if they slap enough affirmations up where Friends can see them, they will succeed in being loved and affirmed. But they will just have to do it again and again and again. This essay is deep so it is also uncomfortable.
Rejection is an essential step on the path because it cannot be avoided. The further you go, the lonelier it will get. Never believe the lies of the socially adequate!
So to recap, I am anxious in the face of the scripture that tells me to be anxious over nothing. I am born so I will die. I have few friends and a few enemies. Nothing I do lasts and anything I believe will be tested.
Ah, now we are getting somewhere. Now is when you can begin to hear a true teacher. Before that you were way too complacent. Now all the self-confidence has been left behind. Now you see that social media is nowhere a decent person should be if they are looking for the truth. Walk on. Around the corner are more minefields. As you walk through them, you will be shown the true way.
Vicki Woodyard