I opened a quotation book at random. It was one that Rob gave me for Christmas. And the quote was: “Your religion is the story you tell about your life.”
Naturally I asked myself what the story I am telling is. It is that this is a lifetime in which everything has been taken from me. And then I realized that the reason it has been taken from me is so that I can realize self-love.
My blog is the story I am telling myself. And a handful are listening. Just a few. The few that are telling themselves the same story.
I am not interested in appealing to those on the upward path of attainment but on the descent into hell that must come before the ascent into heaven.
I am practicing self-love when I enter the silence. The silence allows everything to quiet down and become clear.
In silence I know my life is a gift in which everything is taken. It is The Greatest Story Ever Told, of course. It is everyone’s story.
So here I am on a Saturday morning, sharing my crucifixion with you. Some of you know what I am talking about. Others don’t.
Vernon Howard stripped his students as fast as he could. He lay bare their egos and made them feel ashamed of what they were actually like. This is right order.
I wouldn’t give a nickel for people preaching sunshine and unmitigated self-awareness. No one is there yet. To be there, one must be the One and know it.
Think about your everyday life stripped of its dreams and dramas. You know that you don’t know.
Vicki Woodyard