Such softness is available within the human psyche, but we don’t often let it minister to us. This morning I woke up with an emotional issue on my mind. As always, the mind makes it a million times worse.
Life itself is far bigger than my measly little mind. Why is it so hard to remember this? I don’t actually know, but I do know that when I see the torture I put myself through, that is the first step in letting go of it.
After all, Life brought me here in the first place. It also knows what to do with me if I let go. And letting go is something the mind knows nothing about. The mind loves to preach and quote. I get really tired of that. That is why I don’t go to church. Too much preaching and quoting. Same thing is true online.
So I ponder the softness of self-forgiveness. “I forgive you. I love you. Life and love are the same thing. They know how to heal you if you. Just let go.”
And so I let go into this sunny Easter Day. Rob is resting. I have some chicken in the crock pot and the softness is doing its gentle reviving of my flagging spirit.
There is chocolate to be savored later on. I will take a walk and watch “Jesus Christ, Superstar” tonight. I am blessed by the gift of words that pour into these notes. Hallelujah!
Vicki Woodyard
Softness. Yes. Thank you. I am finding I can use some softness this evening. I am letting it minister to me at this very moment. Thank you.