I don’t know how many of you agree, but this is quite true. Intellectual discussions and probings of what enlightenment is are useless. That is why they are like dandelions in a front yard. If a teacher is worth their salt, they put the info out there and those are on their level are attracted to it.
Those not there yet will try and pull the teacher into endless discussions and if the teacher is green, they will take the bait.
Online discussions of enlightenment are a waste of time. I have scanned lots of them and tried my best to watch videos where people yammer on endlessly about their “experiences.” Somehow I am never impressed.
Vernon Howard never said a word about his own enlightenment. He didn’t have to. He had other ways of letting us know.
Yeah, this is a rant. Rants separate the sheep from the goats.
Students want to be validated. Vernon Howard was not into that.
One of his talks I loved involved him saying, “No mountain, no student, no teacher.”
I can live with that.
Vicki Woodyard