What Drives Me Mad

It drives me mad when non-dualists declaim from their ivory towers that there is no one there to do anything! Then who is charging money to tell you that? Sheesh! Some people need to have their heads examined. Oh, right. You have no head. ‘Scuse me, Douglas Harding.

When my child was lying in a coffin, would you have told me there was no one there?
When I became a widow, would you have told me there was no one there?

So here is what I have noticed, hanging out with people online. These non-dual nobodies are very sensitive beings if you push them into defending their point of view. And they NEVER tell you specific things that they do that are just as bad as what you do. That is because they are too busy distancing themselves from their egos.

Honesty does not sell books. I oughta know. I poured my heart and soul into books that never developed “legs,” as the saying goes. Read the reviews. They are all 5-star. But no sales. Why? Because truth does not market well.

It is a Sunday night, raw and wet and wintery. Forgive my rant. It is true.

When you come up against the death of one you love, you will not be non-dual about it at all. You will weep. You will not be able to grasp anything remotely intellectual about the heart. That is what happened to me. I realized the Self by realizing the not-self. And the not-self stood by in helpless experience and knew that people know nothing about sorrow if they are studying non-duality. They only know bone-headed teachings given by those that do not know that they do not know.

There is a pristine “I am” awareness. It just can’t be explained to you by intellectuals. Maybe Jesus wept because He knew this.

Vicki Woodyard

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