The Truth Full-Throttle

I am dependent on the grace of God. I might not have seen this as early as I did if I had not lost a child. When I ran out of gas emotionally day after day after day, it was only God that kept me going. And God is undefinable and unknowable by the ego.

Spring is just around the corner. Mornings are lighter and evenings linger. Here I am, a child of God, going about my life as best I can.

Although I want to shake off my failings, they remain stubbornly with me. I still worry needlessly and fret forever over the future. You see, the teachings cannot be taken in by the ego.

The teachings are on a higher level than the ego can reach. They are safe from crooked politicians and impossible in-laws.

I sit with the teachings daily and in the silence they work on me. Yesterday I had a lovely lunch alone. Today I am back at the keyboard telling you what I always tell you. It ain’t easy.

If it were easy, the ego would have mastered it and moved on. But the ego cannot mess with the teachings.

Vernon Howard knew this. He gave us truth full-throttle and the few who knew this stayed. But it didn’t change us into nice people. It showed us how un-nice we were.

If you tend to fall for non -duality teachers and their preachings of absolute freedom, heed the warning well. They are just like you.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. A taste of absolute freedom might be presented as a preliminary stage, with a lifetime of
    aligning the body/mind with that freedom..


    1. Yes. What I cannot help but see is that online nonduality ignores the inescapable inner work. They just think a “Ta da! I am awake.” will do it.


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