Writing a Personal Blog

Writing a personal blog is embarrassing. For one thing, I misspelled “embarrassing.” Thought there was just one “r in it. It also contains the word “ass.” Hmmm. I make an ass out of myself online just so you will read me and realize we are each other.

Vernon Howard used the word “bray” a lot. He used it when he wanted to point out when people bragged about their maturity, insight or level of development. I loved that man!

Rob is out of town for a couple of days and I have the time to be with Vicki 100%. I must not assume she will behave, not at all. (Yes, when I make assumptions, I make an ass out of myself.)

All betrayal is self-betrayal. I wish the media understood that. We are doing it all to ourselves. When I sit and fear the future, I am betraying my spirit. Yet I am helpless against my ego.

I am a perfectionist about a lot of things and the root of perfectionism is insecurity. I don’t know when it began. I know that it will never end. But I have been given a set of tools that are invaluable to me. Here is a refresher course in them.

I am in God’s presence now.
I choose to love myself.
Work hard gathering energy when you have no problems.
If it’s right for me, it’s right for the universe.
If it’s not “Hell, yes!” It’s “Hell, no!”

If you are wondering what your Hell, yeses! are, join the club. We are here to learn conscious self-love, which is the same thing as cosmic consciousness. Yep. We are here to be present in the cosmos and the only way to do that is to be here now. Ram Dass was way ahead of his time.

Vicki Woodyard


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