The Part that Pivotal People Play

Pivotal people are those that enliven you. They seem to come and go quickly, leaving only traces and memories of what they came to give. Once given, it cannot be taken back or erased.

I have spoken of Patrice and Agata and how they blazed so brightly and then turned into starlight in a black night. They cannot be forgotten.

Now we look at our daily life and realize that usually there are no pivotal people. Just the usual suspects doing their usual irritating things. Causing us to feel things we don’t want to feel.

We fall into the trap once again. What trap? The trap of thinking we are in charge of our lives. No, we are not. We are watching a play, participating in a dream.

What is needed now to wake us up?

To speak personally, love is what I am here to be, do and experience. I can safely ignore the play. I can leave the stage for longer and longer periods of time.

I can stop chewing the scenery and leave that to politicians and activists, who never accomplish anything.

Now Jesus comes back into the pictures. He would not have worn a pink pussy hat. He said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” I can stop pretending I think world change is possible or even desirable.

Some of you are giggling. Good. We need that in this broken-down, polluted imaginary world. Hope is not necessary, even. Reality lies above the earth plane, the thinking mind, the doom and gloom perpetuators.

Reality does not require hope because it is love itself.

Vicki Woodyard

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