You are ready to read this in order to let it go. You have finished with it totally. Now you can move on into your own silent surrender.
This surrender quickly turns into hell and you move back out of it into the light of an ordinary day. You eat, you drink, you work, you entertain yourself. Anything but surrender.
Because surrender is death; that’s why. And you are never totally ready for it. When you reach the edges of thought, you scramble back into the brambles and hide from God.
He might want something from you that is deeper than conformity.
You used to believe, to have faith. Now you founder on the rocks of ego-oblivion. You look for someone to love you.
You have forgotten that everyone else is looking for others to love them. You have forgotten the principle of the mirror.
You are so flawed, so broken. Finish with your words and become so mortal that you weep in frustration. You still have rage within.
Beyond the rage lies the mystery, the risen Christ, the Buddha, the Chosen One.
Vicki Woodyard