I have been absorbing Niall William’s beautiful “The Four Letters of Love.” I hope some of you order and read it, as you can get used paperbacks online.
This morning I am decluttering my office. I have made quite a mess and the dust is everywhere. I use my dining table as my desk and it is filled with years of a printer, fax, modems, 2 computers and speakers. Not to mention the infinite slips of paper I jotted down something on, but do I really need to cling to them all?
Whew. Spring is making its faint promise known here. We have had a week of rainy but warmer weather. I now think of the need to downsize again. On every level.
I asked for donations Valentine’s Day and didn’t get any. I will keep writing, but maybe I will downsize that part of my life, too.
What do I really need and want? Do I want a group of readers that will only read my work if it is free. Undoubtedly. But is that wise? Could I put my time to better use? For those that do donate, I’m deeply grateful to you.
The heart writes but the head knows I am alone here in this dusty old dining room trying to find a reason for staying in a house I have outgrown.
Something better may be waiting for me out there. But now I am cleaning and fretting about this whole writing affair. I know I am not the only writer that feels this way.
Vicki Woodyard