The Fish Dream

The Big Dream Theme

There is a big dream theme being presented to me on an ongoing basis. It is like a koan waiting to be solved. Therefore it is difficult to put into words and I must not hasten to understand by taking thought. In fact, taking thought is pointless. So I write from the level above thought.

I dreamt of a friend listening to my father as he told her about his life. She was such a good listener that the afternoon grew long and she finally went home and my father made a trip to the drugstore. That left me alone in the house.

Suddenly my friend burst through the front door. She was holding up a large fish that she said had fallen between her house and its wall. The fish had coins in its mouth. Then my father came back from the drugstore and saw the fish. He said, “I just wrote a letter to the widow of my friend. Speaking of her husband, I wrote, “Throw him back. Throw him back into the sea!”

That sudden statement woke me up and I realized I had been given a big dream. This was months ago. Since then I have rolled possible meanings around in my head. It seems that Moses was carrying a fish in a straw basket tied to his boat. He was on his way to meet Khidhr, the Green Man. The fish, it is said, made his escape into the sea before Moses could eat him. And that is a real mystery to me. But he also knew that where the fish escaped into the sea would be where he met Khidr. Maybe they met where the opposites come together and unity is the only solution.

Forget rational thinking about your life. Big Mind will give you mystery, depth and wonder.

The place where you lose the fish is where you will find what you are looking for. In reading what I can about the meeting of Moses and Khidr, Moses had to agree to allow Khidr to teach him and Moses found this difficult. If you Google Moses and Khidr, you will be led to explanations of this story.

I also have a book called “Fragments of a Love Story” by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee that a friend advised me to get. He devotes a whole chapter to the story of Moses and Khidr. Do I get the full implications yet? Absolutely not, as the human mind cannot contain anything higher than itself. Think paradox, think koan, think mystery. Well, maybe “think” is not the right word here! Be stymied about your life. Be curious. Be puzzled. And then do what every spiritual student is advised to do. Wait until the next move happens all by itself.


  1. “Be stymied about your life. Be curious. Be puzzled. And then do what every spiritual student is advised to do. Wait until the next move happens all by itself.”

    This is so the way I have been *trying* to live my life, lately. I keep reminding myself to breathe into it. Trying never works.


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