Nobody Wins

Nobody Wins

The cold is so brittle you can snap off a piece of it, but why bother? It will ultimately change form just like everything else. At least I don’t have to wash my hair today; I will see nary a soul. The kitchen is full of goodies that I don’t need and that will be the biggest temptation of the day.

I love Leonard Cohen; I guess you know that. He is pounding home the message that nobody wins in this conflicted old world; they just seem to. Same with losers. Losing feels lousy and no one ever really feels like a winner. They just feel like losers who are happening to win momentarily.

Whenever I see a child star I cringe at the way their life will go. They will be adulated and forgotten, go into rehab and try to live a “normal life.” Good luck with that. There is no punishment worse than adulation itself.

In spite of what I just said, the human psyche cringes at the prospect of never being good enough, no matter how hard they try. It just ain’t gonna work out. And still we must slog on through the undertow.

Why don’t we just quit? If I had the answer to that, I wouldn’t continue to write. “I don’t know” is the only acceptable answer in this quasi-reasonable world.

If you claim to know, you don’t know.

Love is not about knowing, by the way. It seems to be about nothing that is describable. It is an experience that happens to us. We never choose it. It chooses us.

Time for tea and probably way too many cookies.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Sometimes all we can do is admit defeat. I didn’t make this up, myself, I learned it. When I am able to say I am not able, something shifts.


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