This morning a man came by to give me an estimate on what it will take to repair my deck. After he left, I went to Barnes & Noble. I got 2 crossword puzzle books and 2 books on sale. One is called “The Art of Asking,” written by Amanda Palmer. She tells the story of how she made money standing on a box dressed to look like a bride in white face paint. People would throw money in her hat and she would give them a flower. This seemed to touch off feelings of vulnerability and connection with people and with her, the artist.
Hmmm.I didn’t realize that is what I am doing with my writing. Offering myself up to people reading me, but seldom getting anything in return. I asked for donations yesterday and got two. Deeply grateful for them, I wondered why I was not getting more donations on a regular basis. After all, I write almost daily and make videos, too.
It is second-nature for me to write; I never mind being vulnerable and open as it is happening. But what about you, the reader, my audience, so-to-speak. How might it change you to throw a dollar or two into my Donation Link and allow me to thank you for it. Often, it is a chance to feel both gratitude and connection. I don’t have a flower to give you; I only have what I am already giving, my heart in pixels.
I speak the heart’s truth, not the head’s. I allow this space to be filled with honesty and a breath of fresh air.
Ask yourself what that’s worth to you. It is worth the world to me.
If you have are moved to donate, here is the link.
Vicki Woodyard