l. When you doubt yourself.
2. When you doubt other people.
3. When you doubt God.
4. When you fear yourself, as in “what will I do next?”
5. When you fear others, as in “how will I protect myself from ‘them’?”
6. When you fear God, as in “I haven’t been good enough to pass muster with Him.”
7. When you grieve your losses.
8. When you fear the unknown, both within and without.
9. When you feel like giving up and giving in to all of the above.
10. When you feel like fighting against all of the above.
The ways to work on yourself are innumerable but there is only one thing to remember: Yourself!
Gurdjieff: Remember yourself always and everywhere. A tall order given by the man who invented The Work. The Work is based on esoteric Christianity. It is not non-duality. It requires serious study at first with someone who knows how to teach the Work. Vernon Howard was that teacher for me.
Now I have let it go in order to simply be. What remains in my consciousness is the path blazed by Mr. G. And Mr. Howard. Don Theo Paredes has appeared to lead me into energetic knowing. Love is the first step and the last step in learning to live the great mystery. Amen.
Vicki Woodyard