The Feathers Keep Coming

The Feathers Keep Coming

I have now found 4 hawk feathers in my yard in a week. Such a blessing to have them. I continue to have bad dreams. Last night I couldn’t hear what people were saying. My mother was angry with me—another familiar dream theme.

“I want to fix my life.” That is the cry of the ego. Mechanical suffering produces that cry. The cry is coming from a lower level; we must remember that. The only way out is to take the path of higher consciousness, of higher healing. There is help. That is the title of this blog now.

We all need help. No exceptions.

My mother is gone. There is no fixing our unresolved issues now. All I can do is cry out for higher help. It always arrives.

I am wearing a new pair of athletic shoes this morning. They fit so well. I bought them for my daily walks but I will end up wearing them all day. I am just not a woman that ever enjoys dressing up. Give me comfy clothes over fashion any day. Not that I look bad; that isn’t what I mean. I just enjoy letting go of anything that feels tight and not right, including the thoughts and feelings I have when I am asleep.

Vicki Woodyard

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