
It hurts when we fall into do-ality, thinking that we, as doers, are separate from the herd. Sometimes we go so far as to think WE can help THEM. As Vernon Howard said, “Do-gooders are do-badders.” And I am as guilty as the next person. We were brainwashed to think of ourselves as “going about doing good.” Tell me who is making all of the headlines?

Our world has sucked us into its mechanical orbit and woe be unto him or her that tries to get out without higher help. I think of so many lines that Vernon used. He said that unless people are trying to wake up, they will be trying to pull you down into the swamp.

This world is about profiting from anyone who doesn’t know that. They do it by inferring that you are not okay as you are, that you need “product” to become acceptable to the masses.

No one is all sweetness and light. Most of us are mostly tart and dark. Listen to your inner judgements about other people and then tell me how sweet you are when no one is listening in on your thoughts. The Work is about seeing how weak you are, not about how strong you can appear to be.

The Work is for a handful of people tired of being sick and tired. Don’t fall for the latest fads or gimmicks in spirituality. Don’t fall for the satsang givers that have been doing their schtick for so long they have come to believe it. No one is above any one else. No one has any secret knowledge they can pass on to you.

Call me anything, but don’t call me to tell me how spiritual you are. I’m not buyin’ it.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. I have had a hard time commenting on this…it asks me for all kinds of passwords that I have already submitted. So, I end up giving up commenting. I wonder how many others this happens to.


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