Breathing into the Heart

Last night a community of souls gathered under the roof of one man, Phil McWilliams. He is a magnet that draws us inward to the heart. Under his skilled guidance, we became one with the breath. For an hour and a half, he led us in breathing together. I sat in the adjoining room on a sofa, focusing on this somewhat awkward task of breathing in rhythm. At one point I heard spontaneous laughter in the living room. The inner joy was breaking forth.

Earlier we had shared a meal together and visited. A white German Shepherd named Winter carried his red frisbee around inviting people to play. It was a holy evening where merriment and awakening intermingled. In the photo I captured Phil (in the red scarf) and an attendee in a playful moment, mugging for the photo. To be around Phil is to experience a joyful heart.


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