What if….

I used to judge myself all day long. That is called “being asleep.” Being awake is a horse of a different color. When you are awake, you accept everything just as it is, including your beautiful self.

I know; it’s impossible to remember this for more than a few seconds. But in those few seconds, pat yourself on the back rather than knocking yourself for a loop. You are just as God intended you to be.

Here is the deal, though. You are only to do this for yourself. Everyone’s job is to realize their innate perfection. I was born with a love of words that continues to delight me. But there was a time when I used them to excoriate people. Now I know better.

I can now forgive myself for being hypercritical and judgmental to the max. I didn’t know that I was perfect!

In my introversion, I am perfect. In my mental and emotional sensitivity, I am perfect. In my sorrow, I am perfect. I dip the pen in a crystal vase of tears and the words I write set me free. That is how perfect I am.

I lie in bed in the pre-dawn hours, having dreamt of holding a horse so it couldn’t get away. I woke up in an anxious state. Depression attacked me. I felt unworthy and doomed. That is exactly how I was supposed to feel. It was perfect for me to feel that way. In a few hours, the depression had lifted and all was right with the world again. That, too, was perfect.

It was perfect that my child and husband died. They left me with an abyss so wide I had to grow wings to fly over it. Now I see how magnificent God’s plan for his creation is. Love let me grow from tragedy. Now love lets me write about it. Perfect.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. I just spent an hour reading on the web about programs to improve myself, my personality, my flaws. Maybe my flaws are perfect for me? Loving them and accepting them is not what the world is telling me to do about them. Feels quite different from my usual tactic of stamping them down.


  2. Yes, it is just like that. We are conditioned to be hypercritical and torture ourselves in order to “get better”, more beautiful, more secure, richer, healthier, and happier, which never happens… because, in the dimension of polarities, you always get the opposite of what you desire. Only when you realize the absolute perfection of the present moment, you can stop chasing images of the future.


  3. PERFECT! If I could express my every emotion, my every thought, my every mood…..they would read exactly what you have written. Once again, you have spoken to my soul; the very depths of my soul. Thank you, Vicki! xoxo


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