The Manna of “I am”

Jesus said, “I am that bread which came down from heaven.” There is a whole teaching here. The manna of “I am” is always coming down into the heart of the conscious student. It is all you need to traverse the complications of this world. For Jesus also said that He has no part in this world. The prince of this world is the devil of mechanical thought and most people have no idea that this is true.

Having studied truth in depth for many years and also having studied the world of the mind, there is only one conclusion to be drawn. We keep ourselves out of the kingdom, because its door is always open. Our own blindness keeps us from walking through it. We are just not ready to leave the world and its attractions quite yet. Sadly, some never even see the door of the Christ Consciousness and they die in their sleep.

I am as human as the next person. No amount of celebrity can bring a person one whit closer to God. And we all seek celebrity whether we admit it or not. It might be a small seeking, a desire to look good or to sound good or to achieve success in your own little pond. However it manifests, we are put to sleep by it and fail to recognize the manna of “I am.”

Esoteric Christianity will never be popular because it demands a daily accounting of oneself. This is not easy, not easy at all. We would rather lie in our cozy beds and dream that we are special. Ha! I will always remember Vernon Howard and how he relentlessly exposed the hiding places in our heads. He is still teaching today via his books and recordings. They are for the few; it has ever been thus.

I am not a member of any of his groups, however. I feel the need to write as the words come to me, as he did as they came to him. Each generation has its own manna to receive, but the source is always the same. The source lies within everyone’s “I am” awareness.

Vicki Woodyard

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