A Breath of God: Falling in Order to Rise

Sinking is what happens first, then rising comes all by itself. If a woman tries to rise, she falls. But if she falls, she rises. Think paradox. There is no such thing as a woman rising without falling first.

Eve left the garden because she fell from grace. Since that time, the opposites have been doing a number on us. We women feel under-appreciated and unloved. That is because the world is run by men. And thank God for that. Women have the job of running things outside of the rational world. They are intuitive creatures bound by nothing but love and service.

As a female writer, I serve best by not getting involved in movements of any kind. Movements never make a difference. It is stillness that causes the earth to spin in the direction of love. Women today are far too busy; stillness is the recipe for true movement. Approach the still point and be the axis around which the rim revolves.

The “I am” awareness demands that the ego silence itself. Not scream about injustice or unfair treatment by the male sex, the government or whatever. As the Bible says, “The government is on His Shoulders.” It is for the men to think that waging war is a sensible thing to do. War happens for financial gain and never for true peace in this world.

I cherish both the male and female aspects of creation. Rising and falling creates the waves of action in the Tao. Women are natural inhabitants of it. They flow on a monthly basis. They rise to the occasion of giving birth and raising children. They lose their natural talents as women when they strive to achieve in the outer-driven male-oriented world.

Women are not the weaker sex. We are equal with men but different from them. We have different functions and different strengths. I support anything that represents the truth and the truth is that women are rising and falling at all points of the circle and strengthening each other by peaceful and powerful creative ventures.

My way of rising is to write, but I don’t focus on being a woman. I write as who I am, which happens to be female. I have no sexual agenda, nor should I. I simply exist to be a breath of God.

Vicki Woodyard

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