Seldom does anyone come to visit. I used to feel so guilty about that, so lacking in social reinforcements. Perhaps you fall into the same category, introverted and happy alone most of the time.
Now I understand that since there is no free will, there is nothing to feel guilty about. My life situation is perfectly designed for me. It is a snowflake life, just like everyone else’s. We may complain about it all we like, but complaint cannot touch one’s destiny.
For grace prevails in the heart when one has surrendered. As I made the video of me in my yard, I saw the beauty in my life. And by the way, my perennial garden does not require maintenance. I love that about it. Oh, the hostas need to be divided on occasion, but that’s about it.
I have lived in this house for so many years and it is still “the new house” because I am still in it. I was thinking the other day that when we move, we totally leave the old house behind. I never think about where I lived before this. That life has gone and this one has arrived. The same thing happens on vacation. Your house simply vanishes!
My life is about inner growth. I hope my inner garden is burgeoning, and I believe it is. I feel that I still have much to learn. Since Don Theo entered my life, I think far less than I used to. Something about his energy just slowed my thoughts down to a crawl.
If I am not social by nature, it doesn’t mean I don’t love and enjoy people when the occasion arises. I just keep my home private, perhaps so I can put the energy into my work.
I hope my writing means something to the few; the many will just hurry on by, looking for the latest quick fix. But there is none. There are only revelations of the One. The One sprinkled among us as trees, flowers, animals, human beings, etc. Miracles flow from strange and mysterious places. Hardships urge us onward and upward. Success presses us into great abeyance of the Word. All we need to do is show up….
Alone is natural, my friend Kenny used to visit but he died, the kids have their own life and I have become accustomed to my life as it is now. Less names to remember few appointments to keep, it’s different not better or worse just different. I do things for myself I am not very demanding my cat is the only one who is demanding around here and she just got locked in the basement,life is different but it is good.
I am reading a book called A Man Named Ove, which I posted about. He is a loner, too.
But underneath the crust is a loving soul. It’s quite funny and poignant at the same time.
Yes, life gets simpler every day now.
Lovely pace and rhythm in this one, Vicki.
This post is some of your best writing. Since I know we have no free will, there is no objection here. No one visits at my home either. Aloneness works for me because the inner life is the REAL life. Others are fine, and I know they are the One, but since they don’t know it, they can’t share in the joy I having in knowing. I would gladly share with those that are searching, but they are few.
The few is right. Maybe we can reduce this to One. Smiling. Thank you, Maury.
Beautiful post Vicki. Simply loved it! I belong to the introverted and happy alone category 🙂
Yes, it is good to have confirmation that there are others like us out there, since the world is an extrovert-driven realm.