I sit in the old chair we ordered;
it was much too large for me.
I say some words just given
ladled up from some wild sea.
The soup is on; the tea is brewing.
There is nothing I am doing.
All the old and all the new
are kept in bunches, then
they’re through.
The moon is waxing;
life is taxing.
Time for me to sit some more.
I remember, I remember
this and nothing more.
Vicki Woodyard
Mrs. VW- Your pain touches my heart like a long forgotten friendship.
My mom lived with me for three years. She was very sick. During that time we bought three chairs! One was too big ..one didn’t swivel ..one just right.. And now I have them all.. We made many precious memories during that time and I sure learned alot.
Ah, the chair problems I have had! After Bob died, I bought a couch and two chairs and all of them are comfortable. I sit in each of them every day. And I appreciate them because I have bought so many chairs that simply did not work. And of course, you don’t know that until after you buy them. I have also sent a few back. I woke up this morning thinking I would record the story of the days before and after my husband’s death. I think a few people would feel the impact of grace as I tell it. God bless you.