I had a plastic Jesus that I put inside my car.
Toot, toot!
I had a medal of a saint
that could have used a coat of paint.
It turned a sickly shade of green
but I kept it in the car unseen.
Beep, beep!
I drove for Jesus and the saints.
I didn’t litter, didn’t faint.
I drove the car and the saints
drove me and no one knew
that we were free.
I had a flat
but I had trust
and said I’ll get to
the mall or bust.
Sure enough
the Triple A
stopped by and
waved at me,
“Say hey!”
The flat was fixed
and off we went,
The Triple A was heaven-sent.
I bought the saints
some brand new shirts
and Jesus got a tat
that hurts. It says,
“Glory be!”
Whoopee, whoopee!
Vicki Woodyard